ICAC announces UofA Vice Chancellor under investigation for “Improper Conduct”
Words by Nicholas Birchall
The Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) had today announced that they are investigating University of Adelaide Vice-Chancellor Peter Rathjen for “allegations of improper conduct” as well as “investigating the manner in which the University dealt with those allegations.”
This comes after days of speculation surrounding the Vice-Chancellor’s indefinite leave, and the resignation of UofA Chancellor Kevin Scarce.
The University has also circulated an email stating that they are unable to make further comment at this time:
“While it is natural for us to want to know more about what is happening, we need to remember that this is a matter for the ICAC. As you will know, the law places restraints on what can be said about an ICAC investigation. This is why the University is not able to comment further.”
You can read ICAC’s full statement here.
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