Etymology lesson: what is a ‘cuck’ and where did the word come from?

On Dit Magazine
3 min readAug 18, 2017


Words by Andre Bemmer

Artist interpretation of Steve Bannon aka ‘King Cuck’

Many species of Cuckoo birds are brood-parasites and lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. From this particularly naughty habit comes the word ‘cuckold’ (short: cuck) which is the husband of an adulterous wife — the husband of which is often unaware of his wife’s raunchy yet somewhat inner-city modern habit. A typical cuckold will go through their entire life raising a child they are grossly unaware is not even theirs. Lol.

So, politics huh? How did cuck even come to have any relation with the annoyingly vitriolic nature of politics? The Alt-Right love using the word cuck, but first let’s jump to porn.

Porn films aren’t exactly as far-fetched and fanciful as you might originally come to believe. Believe it or not, some men actually enjoy it when the postman, while on his morning postal run, decides to come into your house and your wife. While true cucks like these sort are rare, their practice is well known and represents nothing more than a submissive and weak beta male — a failure of a man.

And what’s worse than a failure of a man?

A Cuckoo bird from where the word originates

What the Alt-Right have done is that they use this weak and submissive man as a metaphor for people who have liberal or egalitarian values as people who sell out their manliness or masculinity. And conservatives don’t get a break either; cuckservatives is termed by the Alt-Right for conservatives who aren’t as far right as the Alt-Right and wear a conservative mask to hide their supposed ‘left’ leaning face. To be honest though the Alt-Right love saying cuck so much, it’s almost as if they gain some sort of sexual gratification from it. This is similar to those weirdos who get off on wearing tight leather trousers, a collar and a dog mask and scream ‘woof woof’ in mid coitus. While most people moan out ‘oh god’ on the apex of orgasm, the Alt-Right just scream ‘FUCK’N CUCK!’ before blasting their framed photo of Trump with the purest white supremacy.

A former host of The Apprentice and former Breitbart executive walk into a room…

As the world often works, cuck is no longer a term exclusively used by the Alt-Right. The left/libertarians have started to use cuck ironically. Or maybe they’re ironically not using it ironically –who knows –but irony in some form or another is definitely involved. If you see the word cuck scrawled on a toilet wall or a scribble saying ‘John Smith is a cuck’, chances are it’s not someone expressing their love of seeing their wife or girlfriend getting broken in by their next door neighbour, but rather someone who is making a mockery of it. And really it’s through this mockery that they hope will water down the venom in the word and make it an ineffective insult.

Even Shakespeare was a fan of the word, incorporating it into his comedies. As You Like It (3.2, 35–39)

The real mystery is whether cuck will be a mainstay in common parlance. Maybe it will drift away and become a forgotten word like using canker blossom as an insult. Or maybe it will outlive all humans; imagine millions of years from now alien archaeologists dig up a great pedestal with these words inscribed: My name is Ozymandias, cuck of cucks: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!



On Dit Magazine
On Dit Magazine

Written by On Dit Magazine

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