25 crazy things you need to do before you turn the crazy 2 and 5.
by Andrew “Oslo” Boombastic
1. Go out and have fun
Yeah do it! You’ve earned it ✋
2. Stay in and have fun
Every now and then it’s important to spoil yourself.
3. Have fun around the house
This is pretty similar to the previous one but have a go lol
4. Have fun with close friends
Yeah I guess if you’re not a total nerd you’re probably already doing this
5. Catch up with old friends
Do it but keep in mind that nostalgia is the enemy of success.
6. Take your parents out for dinner
This will settle the score once and for all and allow you to get out of taking care of them when they’re old.
7. Travel overseas and have fun
Expand your horizons and prove to yourself that all your predisposed nationalism was warranted.
8. Travel locally and have fun
Reward yourself by returning to your home land and further gorging your nationalistic pride.
9. Decorate your house
this shows creativity, independence and an incessant need to please others. Don’t do a shit job or they’ll judge you
14. Be sure to smile more often and also have more fun
Yeah its an pretty obvious one
15. Reminisce about the 90s.
It’s all downhill from here.
17. Go to the cinema on your own
Buzzfeed seems to think it’s a good idea and they’re prety smart.
20. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Yeah ✋ you can do it legend!
22. Have a real hard crack at something that isn’t important and that you would never do again.
The more obsolete the better.
23. Did we mention have fun?
Yeah, have another go
25. Go to the movies by yourself again lol
Do it kiddo.